Continuing on the learning path of Book 1, start with a review of the notes on the grand staff. Next learn eighth, sixteenth and dotted note timings. staccato technique, major chord construction and inversions, single note exercises to build coordination and intervals. Learn to play the major scale and how it is constructed and used to play melodies. Learn popular songs and progressions in many music genres all with full audio backing tracks. Everything you need to get to the next level is here in this progressive and comprehensive method.
This step-by step-course has 60 pages of lessons and can be used with a teacher or self-guided. Includes: CD with backing tracks you practice with, lifetime web membership for 24/7 lesson support. Also includes a quiz system that helps you track your progress, digital version you get when you register for support at the web site and much more.
Shipping Weight: 0.63 pounds
Book Length: 12.00
Book Width: 9.00
Guitar Tab: No
ISBN: 1476867615
Pages: 68
UPC: 884088699970