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    Purchase Guitar Sweep Picking & Arpeggios

    SKU: HL00151223 Guitar Sweep Picking & Arpeggios

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    Sweep picking and arpeggios are among the most useful hard rock/metal/shred techniques, though they are also applicable to any style. Joe Stump takes you through studies, etudes, and track excerpts ranging from the basic aspects of arpeggio play to some of the most technically intense sweep-picking material you'll ever encounter. These demonstrations, exercises and play-along tracks will help you master sweeping as you practice them with a full band, in real musical settings. Tablature is included.
    closer look
    Shipping Weight: 0.96 pounds
    Artist: Joe Stump
    Book Length: 9.00
    Book Width: Book/Online Audio
    Guitar Tab: Yes
    ISBN: 0876391811
    Pages: 116
    UPC: 888680085988